On 6 March 2015 the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development held an informative meeting on Urbact III. The Deputy Minister , Paweł Orłowski, addressed benefits of integrated urban development and presented activities that the Ministry takes in this respect. “Smart city” is not only about making the good use of resources and potentials within city borders but also in the scope of their functional areas. Integrated urban policy also includes the participation of local communities in city planning and governance.
The Polish Government is currently working on official papers that will pave the way for implementation of the concept, namely the National Urban Policy and the National Regeneration Plan. Poland is about to face legal solutions such as amended Act on spatial planning and development, the Building Code and the Regeneration Law. It is expected that the changes will contribute to the effective realization of the presented approach. The European standpoint on the integrated urban development was presented by Jan Olbrycht, MEP, and Emanuel Moulin, the Head of URBACT Secretariat.
(source: http://www.mir. gov.pl)
This material has been published thanks to the financial support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The sole responsibility for its contents lies with Collegium Mazovia.