Each of three conferences to be held under the Ecology Constructively Project will be dedicated to a different set of topics related to sustainable development of urban areas. The last conference will also serve as a summary of the whole project.
The subject of the conference series includes specific domains that define sustainable development of urban areas, especially in the context of climate changes:
– Presentation of best practices in terms of sustainable city planning. Promotion of cities friendly to people and the environment;
– Rain water management and harvesting in cities, restoration of small basins. Regeneration and expansion of green areas in order to counteract heat islands;
– Rational management of urban space and planning of infrastructural investments;
– Health policies and health care in the context of climate changes. Activities for low CO2 policies in cities;
– Sustainable transport (trams, trolleybuses, NGV and electric buses, electric cars etc);
– Summing up of the three regional conferences. Attempts to define a sustainable city, especially in the context of climate changes.