More ozone

The World Meteorological Organization has good news – the ozone layer has shown signs of recovery. The first time in three decades.

For many years scientists have thundered that human activity damages the ozone layer and contributes to the ozone depletion. They have appealed to limit polluted emissions and to protect the environment. After 30 years, the solutions protecting the Earth have finally brought positive effects. The ozone layer has started to increase.

“It is particularly gratifying to report that the ozone layer is on track for recovery to 1980 benchmark levels by mid-century,” said Paul A. Newman, chief scientist and a co-author of the WMO/UNEP report.

According to the report, since 2000 the ozone in the atmosphere has not thinned. But only the recent findings have proven that the ozone layer has slowly started to recover. It does not mean that the ozone hole is getting smaller – it shows up unchanged each summer over Antarctica. Yet if the scientists prove right and the protective gas layer over the planet starts to recover, by 2050 the depletion will heal.

The Montreal Protocol started to deal with the ozone hole in September 1987 when most of countries signed the treaty to limit greenhouse gases. It was unanimously agreed that CFC gases widely used in sprays and cooler boxes are mainly responsible for ozone depletion and must be phased out. According to UN experts, actions taken globally in that time helped to save approximately 200 million people who would have suffered from various skin diseases caused by harmful radiation by 2030.

Michel Jarraud, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization said that “International action on the ozone layer is a major environmental success story. This should encourage us to display the same level of urgency and unity to tackle the even greater challenge of climate change.”

Unfortunately, in Washington Post he dampens the atmosphere in the article on the revelation. The report partly says that substances today used instead of CFC gases are dangerous greenhouse gases themselves and if we do not cut down on them, they may have a fundamental impact on climate change in future.




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źródło: State of the World's Cities Report 2012/2013