Speakers of the conference ECOLOGY CONSTRUCTIVELY (Friendly City Planning) are not only renowned researchers but also experiences practitioners who have common scope of interest – a city as “an ecological niche” of the contemporary human being, as a social mechanism which – if well managed – can be a happy place that generates good; if managed improperly, can become a hell and torment.
Professionally involved in spatial planning and regional policies. Doctor of technical sciences, coordinator and co-author of Polish and international projects on spatial policies and regional development. Author of numerous articles, papers, books and teaching materials. For many years worked for the Polish Government on managerial positions in departments connected with spatial and regional policies, for local governments and universities. Chairman of intergovernmental commissions for spatial development cooperation. Author (coordinator) of “Report on the condition of spatial development in Poland”, “Visions and strategies of the Carpathian Area (VASICA – Visions And Strategies In The Carpathian Area)” as well as other papers on transformations of spatial planning system, urban regeneration, multilevel management and the role of information in planning. Researcher at Warsaw School of Economics, the Board President of the Polish Association of Urban Planners, Katowice Branch.
Architect, urban planner, film maker; MA (Arch, Eng & TP) RIBA, DeveloCity – Media – Architecture & Film. A graduate of the Technical University in Poznan, Oxford Brooks University and the National Film School in Łódź, Poland. EU expert on urban sustainable development. UN Consultant (UN-Habitat) for Central and Eastern Europe. URBACT Expert. Expert evaluator for EC projects (FP7, Horizon 2020), Lithuania-Poland cross-border cooperation programme, Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Italy), the National Center for Research and Development. Co-founder of Polish Chamber of Architects, Organization Committee member, National Council of the Chamber of Architects, head of Polish delegation to the Architects’ Council of Europe in Brussels. Author of numerous European projects in architecture, urban planning, conservation of historical buildings and sustainable development of urban areas.
Assistant Professor at Warsaw School of Economics, the Innovative City Unit, since October 2014. Earlier – university teacher at the Department of Investments and Real Estates, Warsaw School of Economics. PhD of Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland 2013. PhD dissertation on “Futures Methodology as an Analysis and Planning Tool within the Commercial Real Estate Industry, an interpretative study”. Co-author of the project “Ecoinnovations in the city” carried out in 2013-2015 for the National Center for Research and Development under the Operational Programme Human Capital 4.3. Strenghtening of university teaching potential in key areas in the context of EUROPE 2020 Strategy goals. Grant holder of the National Science Center 2011-2013; manager of the original research project “Responsible investments in the real estate market in Poland – barriers and options for investors”.
Architect, economist, a graduate of Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology and Warsaw School of Economics. Assistant Professor on the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Collegium Mazovia Innovative University. Specialist in social and economic development, measuring and evaluating the level, the quality and the dignity of life. Particularly interested in how working and living conditions in cities influence the quality of life as well as in the role of culture and science in urban development. In her scientific work she uses her architectural experience and combines urban and economic knowledge in a multidisciplinary way. Participant of innovative educational programmes and co-author of new education and cooperation models. Co-organizer of scientific conferences, regular participant of scientific seminars and conferences, independent researcher in the area of urban development. Author of academic publications on urban transformations and development. Member of the Architecture Foundation Council and the Warsaw branch of the Association of Polish Architects (OW SARP). Secretary of Polish and international architectural competitions. An expert and co-organizer of OW SARP workshops for the City of Warsaw with the aim of devising urban regeneration plan for Praga Północ district and local centers development in Warsaw.
Architect and urban planner, author of many planning studies for Lower Silesia region, the Western borderland and other areas of Poland, including spatial development plan of the Lower Silesia region and local zoning plans for Brzeg Dolny and Zamość, awarded with ministerial prizes. Prizewinner of urban planning competitions, author of various publications on spatial planning, urbanism and architecture; member of the Council of the Polish Association of Urban Planners, chief editor of the “Urban Planning Review”
Doctor of technical sciences, architect and urban planner. President of the Polish Association of Urban Planners, Jelenia Góra Branch. Organizer of the conference “Building in a beautiful landscape”. Author of publications on sustainable development such as: “Directions of developing tourism in the area of designed protected area in the Kaczawskie Mountains (Kaczawski Park Krajobrazowy)”, “Sustainable development of mountain areas with an example of the Commune of Nowa Ruda”, “The process of building the protection system for nature and landscape in the western part of Polish and Czech borderland”, “Principles of planning and designing in protected areas”, “Urban processes in Jelenia Góra Valley (Kotlina Jeleniogórska), “How to manage areas of environmental and landscape value” and many other papers on landscape creation, preservation and restoration, especially in Polish mountain region. Author of land use plans, spatial development plans and local urban plans. Speaker at various conferences on “Spontaneous urbanization with an example of investment and geodesy projects”, “Limits of interference in culture and nature in Karkonosze Mountains”, “Urban development in mountain areas”. Prizewinner of architectural and planning competitions: “Development concept for the river valley of Puszczykowo-Poznań-Promnice”, “Arkoński Park as a public green area accessible to inhabitants of the city of Szczecin together with a palm house and dedicated places for open recreation and catering establishments”.
A graduate of the Technical University in Wrocław (Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning) and of School of Architecture Kingston University in London; member of the Polish Chamber of Architects, the President of the Regional Chamber of Architects, Lower Silesia (2010-2014, 2014-2018), member of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP), MKUA, GKUA. Assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Technical University in Wrocław (1998-2005). Since 1995 a head of architectural office (Maćków Pracownia Projektowa) with 50 employees. Key projects: the Faculty of Law at Wrocław University, Town Hall in Siechnice, redevelopment of a shopping outlet Renoma, a sports hall in Bytom, apartment buildings Thespian and Kurkowa 14, Integrated Transfer Hub, office building complexes Silver Tower Center, Green Day and Green Towers, Dubois 41, Music School in Wrocław.
Key achievements: Award “Life in architecture” in the category Public Space 2012, a nomination for architectural prize of “Polityka” magazine 2012, Gold Medal Biennale Leonardo 2009, triple finalist of World Architecture Festival, nominated and shortlisted for Mies van der Rohe Award 2011 and 2013, the building of the year SARP 2003 and 2010, triple prizewinner of “Beautiful Wrocław” Competition, double Grand Prix DoFA, triple prizewinner of the Construction of the Year in Lower Silesia Region (Dolnośląska Budowa Roku), prizewinner of Forbes Professionals Competition and the Honorable Award SARP, Wrocław branch.
One of initiators and organizers of a model housing projects Nowe Żerniki. Chief architect for the European Capital of Culture, Wrocław 2016.
Architect, a graduate of the Bialystok University of Technology which he completed in the form of accelerated learning and at the same time worked at the Artists’ Workshop “A” in Warsaw. Since 2005 he has performed voluntary functions at the Polish Chamber of Architects, has served as the National Council member. Author of the continuing professional development (CPD) system. Currently, he presides over the CPD Team under the Chamber of Architects. Earlier, since 1991, he ran design and construction practice in partner architectural companies in Warsaw. For 15 years he has been the Chancellor of Collegium Mazovia – Innovative University in Siedlce, Poland.
Initiator of numerous projects under the European Social Fund. Experienced in social project coordination, as well as in management of architectural and construction projects. He has academic experience at Warsaw University of Technology and University of Entrepreneurship in Otwock. He is a co-author of several publications on social sciences. Enthusiast of historical automotive industry.
This material has been published thanks to the financial support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The sole responsibility for its contents lies with Collegium Mazovia.