
27 rules of sustainable development

The term sustainable development has been present for years in public debates about future – future of cities, people and animals. Its concept is based on providing the balance between human need to reach goals in line with his expectations of civilization, his right to function in harmony with nature and its pure form. Such a broad definition had to be narrowed down in order to avoid misinterpretation and possible misuse that could eventually harm us all.

Energy-efficient engineering in Poland – public debate conclusions

Energy-efficient engineering is not going to expand if it is not cost-effective – said Mr. Andrzej Wiszniewski, Board member of the Association of Certified Energy Auditors, during the debate “Energy-efficient engineering in Poland – EU directive implementation”.

According to Mr. Wiszniewski, about 120 thousand property owners have energy certificates. In his opinion, the certificate does not affect the property value. However, examples from other countries prove that the influence can be visible.